What Are Ingrown Hairs?

Ingrown hairs and razor bumps are a common problem for men who shave or wax their body hair. These occur when a hair that has been cut or removed curls back and grows into the skin. When neglected, it can cause inflammation, pain, and worst, an infected ingrown hair cyst. 

What Causes Ingrown Hair?

  • Shaving too closely. When you shave too closely, you can cut the hair below the surface of the skin. This can make it more likely for the hair to curl back and grow into the skin.
  • Using a dull razor. A dull razor can cause the hair to be cut at an uneven angle. This can also make it more likely for the hair to curl back and grow into the skin.
  • Shaving against the grain. Shaving against the grain can also cause the hair to be cut at an uneven angle. This can make it more likely for the hair to curl back and grow into the skin.
  • Not exfoliating regularly. Exfoliating with both a physical and chemical facial exfoliants helps to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. This can help to prevent the hair from curling back and growing into the skin.
  • Having curly or coarse hair. Men with curly or coarse hair are more likely to get ingrown hairs. This is because curly and coarse hair is more likely to grow back at an angle.

How to Prevent Ingrown Hairs?

  • Shower before you shave. This will help soften the body and facial hair before you shave. 
  • Shave with the grain of your hair growth. This will help to prevent the hair from being cut at an uneven angle.
  • Sanitize your razor. Wipe razor with rubbing alcohol to sanitize the blades before shaving.  After shaving, rinse blade clean with hot water then wipe dry and sanitize with rubbing alcohol before storing it a dry place. The aftershave razor care will also keep your blades sharp longer.
  • Use a sharp razor. A sharp razor will cut the hair at a clean angle, which will make it less likely for the hair to curl back and grow into the skin.
  • Use a single-blade razor. Multi-blade razors can cause more irritation and make ingrown hairs more likely.
  • Exfoliate regularly. Choose an exfoliating face scrub for men to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. This can help to prevent the hair from curling back and growing into the skin and growing into an ingrown hair boil.
  • Use a shaving cream or gel. A best men's shave cream or gel will help to lubricate the skin and make it easier to shave. This can help to prevent the hair from being cut at an uneven angle.
  • Avoid shaving too closely. Shaving too closely can make it more likely for the hair to curl back and grow into the skin.
  • Use a chemical hair remover. A chemical hair remover can help to remove the hair from the root. This can help to prevent the hair from curling back and growing into the skin.
  • Get laser hair removal. Laser hair removal can help to permanently remove the hair. This is the most effective way to prevent ingrown hairs.

How to Treat Ingrown Hairs?

  • Exfoliate the area. Exfoliating with a best men's face scrub helps to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. This can help to release the hair and prevent it from becoming infected.
  • Apply a warm compress. A warm compress can help to soothe the area and reduce inflammation.
  • Use an over-the-counter ingrown hair treatment. An over-the-counter after shave for men with Salicylic Acid can help to remove the hair and prevent it from becoming an infected ingrown hair cyst.
  • See a doctor if the ingrown hair is infected. If the ingrown hair is infected, you will need to see a doctor. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection. Signs of a possible infection includes redness, swelling and pain.

Here are some additional tips for preventing ingrown hairs:

  • Avoid using harsh soaps and detergents. Harsh soaps and detergents can irritate the skin and make ingrown hairs more likely.
  • Drink plenty of water. Drinking plenty of water helps to keep the skin hydrated, which can help to prevent ingrown hairs.

By following these tips, you can help keep your skin looking its best and prevent ingrown hairs.

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