What are Ingrown Hairs?

Ingrown hair occurs when a hair that's been removed starts to grow back and curves into the skin. Manscaping or body grooming is something many men do as part of their men's skincare routine. Shaving, tweezing or waxing without proper preparation and aftercare can cause this to happen. Roughly 60% of men will get an ingrown hair at some point in their lives. An ingrown hair can cause tiny, swollen bumps on the skin that are inflamed and can hurt from the hair curling back into the body. Most ingrown hairs happen in the beard area or the pubic region due to shaving and manscaping the pubic region, balls and buttocks. The condition commonly affects more Black men due to the thicker, coiled and curly hairs and with proper preparation and aftercare ingrown hairs can be minimized.

What are Skin Boils?

A boil is a type of skin infection and it is generally caused by the staph bacteria. While a boil is a deeper, more painful infection of a hair follicle. Both ingrown hair and boils can appear as swollen, red lumps, but boils may develop pus and become more severe and often painful. Boils form under the skin when bacteria infect and inflame one or more hair follicles. Boils start as red, tender lumps. These fill with pus, grow and can rupture and drain.

fingers squeezing a ingrown hair boil, urth

What is an Ingrown Hair Boil? 

An ingrown hair and an ingrown hair boil are two totally different conditions. A ingrown hair boil is an infection which generally begins as an ingrown hair bump that is untreated and becomes infected by the staph bacteria. The infected ingrown hair then evolves into a boil. There is a slight difference in how they start and form but the results look the same, painful, pus filled bumps.

What Causes Ingrown Hair Boil?

Ingrown hair boils happens when staph infection around the trapped ingrown hair follicles spreads deeper and wider into the skin.  Most people who keep getting boils are likely carriers of Staphylococcus aureus (staph bacteria). This means they have staph bacteria living on their skin or inside their nose that was breathed in thru their surroundings. Poor hygiene – sweat and dead skin cells in natural creases and crevices, such as the armpits, crotch area provide a moist and hospitable home for staph bacteria. 

Ingrown Hair Boil Prevention

Practice good hygiene and adopt a good men's skincare routine.  Clean and exfoliate your face and body regularly especially after exercise and sweat to prevent bacteria from accumulating anywhere on your body. Pay attention and take notice of painful bumps that may develop and take care of it before it spreads. 

How to Treat Ingrown Hair Boil?

  • Apply a warm compress to affected area. The warm compress will sooth the inflammation and soften the pus build up within the hair boil.  The ingrown hair boil could rupture and drain on its own. If not, do not force it as it will cause further inflammation, hyperpigmentation and scarring.
  • Ingrown hair boil that do not drain on its own may require a dermatologist to make a slight cut, drain the puss and then extract the trapped hair.
  • Oral antibiotics may be needed to treat the staph infection, keep it from spreading and eliminating it all together.  A staph infection left untreated can cause further complications and spread to other parts of your body.  

How to Prevent Ingrown Hairs?

black man cleansing face and shaving to prevent ingrown hair boil
  • Cleanse your face and neck to soften the facial hair before shaving.
  • Exfoliate with men's face Scrub to purge dead surface skin cells so the razor can glide easier. 
  • Use the best men’s shave cream to soften facial and body hairs and to provide a slick protective cushion between the razor and the skin. For those who are prone to ingrown hairs, we always recommend shaving after a warm shower so the facial or body hairs are soften and pores are open so you can get a closer and more comfortable shave. 
  • Use a clean sharp razor and sanitized with rubbing alcohol before shaving.
  • Always shave in the direction of the hair growth. 
  • Finish off with an aftershave for men with salicylic acid to sooth and minimize ingrown hairs. If you're someone prone to razor bumps or ingrown hairs a salicylic acid post shave is key in minimizing ingrown hairs and keeping you bump free.  
  • Finally keep an eye out for red painful bumps that may be the first signs of an ingrown hair and take care of it immediately with a salicylic acid spot treatment.

Practice Good Manscaping

manscaping to prevent ingrown hair and boils

When grooming the body, first thoroughly cleanse the body and then exfoliate all over with a men's body scrub focusing on the areas you're about to manscape. Trim pubic hair or chest hairs short to stubbles first using an electric shaver with a #1 guard before shaving the rest with a razor. Use a good quality shaving cream and a sanitized sharp  razor for each manscaping session to give you a smoother and closer shave.  Always shave with the direction of the hair growth and follow with an aftershave with salicylic acid to minimize bumps in the freshly manscaped area. 

WHY CHOOSE URTH?urth's clear complexion kit to minimize ingrown hairs and boils

Practicing good hygiene and having a men's skincare routine can help maintain a clear complexion reducing the risks associated with an ingrown hair boil. urth has curated skin care kits for men to simplify men's skincare. These plant powered men’s skincare products are formulated with chamomile, green tea, ginseng and pure essential oils to cleanse, brighten, nourish and protect against signs of aging. Improved and better skin after every use. Perfect for all skin types - including men with sensitive, dry, combo, and oily skin.

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 References: John Hopkins Medicine “Folliculitis, Boils and Carbuncles

Cedar Sinai: Folliculitis, boils, and carbuncles.